Love Never Fails…

If you didn’t believe life was short before 2020 I can almost guarantee that anybody with any sense does believe that now. Love on your ppl and even ppl you don’t know while you can. It literally cost you nothing to be nice. Put your pride to the side no matter who you are. Mend broken relationships that you know needs mending & for the relationships that don’t need mending be happy and be better not bitter. The creater has taken some great people and chose to leave you here in all of your greatness. I tend to think that it’s for a reason. So whatever the case be an overcomer and a lover. Enemies come a dime a dozen, if you think long enough and have your notions you can make anybody an enemy. No reason to create them, they come with life. So create love not hate. Perseverance not stagnation. Results not excuses. You are bigger than where you are. Let’s rise to our God given potential family and keep rising.
