59% of People in Shreveport Just Pretend to Wash Their Hands in the Bathroom

What’s the #1 lie that your kids tell you?  It MIGHT be that they washed their hands.

In a survey, 59% of adults say in the Shreveport area and beyond say that . . . when they were kids . . . they’d just PRETEND to wash their hands in the bathroom.  They’d run the water for a little bit . . . turn it off . . . then walk out.

CLASSIC kid behavior:  That takes about the same time and effort as actually washing their hands, but they don’t . . . for whatever reason.

(Photo Credit: CanvaPro)

So it’s not surprising that now . . . as adults . . . only 25% of parents believe that their kids wash their hands as much as they say they do.

Dads are more gullible:  60% of fathers say they think their kids DO wash their hands . . . MOST of the time.  But only 51% of mothers agree to that. 

But, now I’m wondering — are there any adults in the Shreveport area that are doing this? Just turning on the water and pretending to wash their hands?
