Many people find advertising their business to be a confusing and expensive proposition. Without some basic knowledge, advertising can be difficult to measure and you might not understand exactly what you’re paying for. It certainly can be a challenge knowing what to expect. We would love the opportunity to show you how you can take the guesswork out of planning your advertising when you learn about the Four Formal Methods of Advertising Placement. You will learn how and when to use each of the Four Formal Methods. When should you go light, and when you should go heavy. Stop wasting your advertising money at the school of hard knocks. Don’t be the next victim of marketing malpractice. If you don’t like spending your hard-earned money on BADvertising, you need to attend this webinar. You can choose to attend a noon meeting on the day of your choice. Webinars are held Tuesday through Thursday at the times listed below. Click on the link below for the time, choose your day on the next page.

Click here to attend a webinar at 7:00 am. Tuesday and Thursday only.

Click here to attend a webinar at 9:00 am. Tuesday through Thursday.

Click here to attend a webinar at 12:00 noon. Tuesday through Thursday.

Click here to attend a webinar at 2:00 pm. Tuesday through Thursday.

Click here to attend a webinar at 4:00 pm. Tuesday through Thursday.

Click here to attend a webinar at 6:00 pm. Wednesday only.


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